Ghanaian Goat Light Soup
- 500g diced goat or half a chicken, diced
- 6 whole tomatoes
- Half teaspoon of hot pepper
- 10g ginger
- 10g garlic
- 2 onions
- 50g tomato puree
- Salt
- 1 aubergine (also known as a garden egg in Ghana)
- Fufu, banku or rice
1. Wash ginger, garlic, chilli, one of the onions and three of the tomatoes, drain, place in blender, season, and blend to a paste.
2. Place the mix on the meat with and marinade for 10 minutes.
3. Place the meat in a pan cook gently for 10 minutes.
4. Add tomato puree cook for 10 minutesadd water 500ml of water and simmer until the meat is tender.
5. Dice and add the remaining three tomatoes, the diced aubergine, and the last chopped onion. Cook for 30 minutes.
6. Remove onions and tomatos and pass it through the blender, then add to soup again. and bring to a simmer. Season to taste.
7. Serve with fufu, banku or rice.